The 7th Composer Quest Quest is here! As Valentine’s Day quickly approaches, I challenge you to write a piece of music for your valentine. The twist is, it must be for your valentine to perform, not you. So if that special someone plays an instrument or sings, this is the perfect opportunity to give him or her a unique gift. Don’t feel limited to writing for a romantic valentine, either; you could also choose a friend or family member.
Listen to the announcement episode for some more inspiration:
[audio:https://charliemccarron.com/mediaftp/composerquest/composer-quest-070-quest-7-valentine.mp3]Right click to download Ep. 70, or open in iTunes.
To officially finish this quest and get added to the Composer Quest Hall of Fame Page, send your finished piece to me (charlie@composerquest.com) by Monday, February 17th. You can send me your score, a MIDI file, an mp3, whatever (please use wetransfer.com for mp3 files).
Good luck!
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Episode Soundtrack
Thanks to everyone who submitted music for this episode! Here are the songs I chose:
- 0:00 – “Let’s Begin” by Joel Buxton and Steve Cruickshank of Brunswick Project
- 1:02 – “Rushing Through the Garden” by Joseph Hallman
- 6:39 – “Can I Be Your Man?” by The MP3 Band
- 8:13 – “Nowhere Is Now Here” by The Claws