UPDATE: The quest is finished! Check out the results.
In honor of the 100th anniversary of Alexander Scriabin’s death, Composer Quest and UniqueSound are teaming up to bring you a collaborative music production quest. We’ll be creating an “audio quilt” based on Scriabin’s Prelude in A minor, Op. 11 No. 2. Your goal is to record one measure from the score using whatever instruments or synthesizers you want (sign-up form below). I’ll unveil our stitched-together masterpiece on the Composer Quest podcast on April 27th.
UniqueSound has generously offered a prize of $100 for the person who creates the coolest measure. Anyone who participates will get to vote for their favorite measure, other than their own (I’m excluded too, as the organizer). For those of you who don’t know, UniqueSound is a cool new composer portfolio site; check them out on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and on their blog.
Here’s the Composer Quest announcement episode:
[audio:https://charliemccarron.com/mediaftp/composerquest/composer-quest-111-quest-14-patchwork-scriabin.mp3]Right click to download Ep. 111, or open in iTunes.
- Send charlie@composerquest.com your audio recording by Wednesday, April 22nd with the subject line ‘Patchwork Scriabin.’ Please use dropbox or wetransfer instead of attaching your file.
- Space is limited to the first 68 people who sign up below. If we get enough interest, we may add another Scriabin prelude.
- You can only sign up for one measure, and please don’t use multiple emails/pseudonyms.
- Your audio recording can use any instruments, voices, or synths you want. Get creative!
- Tempo is 138 beats per minute, but you can use rubato as you see fit.
- Keep clefs in mind when looking at the score (sometimes the 2nd staff is treble, not bass).
- Charlie reserves the right to modify your recording for the master (if he needs to boost/drop levels to make everything smooth).
- Our final product will be free to stream and download on Soundcloud, with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
- Charlie will contact you about voting, which you’ll do via email by Friday, April 24.
Sign-up Form
Note that the measures already claimed are eliminated on this form.