I’m excited to announce our next composing quest, courtesy of Tim Cheesebrow and his forearm. Tim has been looking for a way to commemorate his family tree through music, and he’s decided to leave it to Composer Quest listeners to write a “Cheesebrow family” melody. Tim will then choose his favorite composition, and TATTOO IT ON HIS ARM.
I interviewed Tim for more insights on what he’s looking for in this arm-sized composition.
Right click to download Ep. 132, or open in iTunes.
Tattoo Challenge Details
- Composition must be from 4 to 8 measures long, on a grand staff (treble and bass clef).
- Composition must represent Tim’s family tree (see below) in a way that can be explained, with clear rules to follow for future children added to the family.
- Composition is due by 11:59pm Central on Wednesday, Dec. 9th to charlie@composerquest.com. Send the sheet music as a PDF, plus your explanation of how the composition relates to Tim’s family tree, and rules for expanding it. Also, please send a demo mp3 file or MIDI file (mp3s through dropbox or wetransfer.com).
- Tim will choose his favorite composition and have it tattooed on his arm in early 2016.
Tim’s Family Tree
My Grandparents:
Dad’s side:
Jerome Riley Cheesebrow – 10/02/1920-09/09/04
Dorothy Alice Cheesebrow(Coleman) – 02/14/1926-01/23/1996
Mom’s Side:
Robert Douglas Thayer – 12/20/1931-01/18/1986
Elizabeth Ann Thayer (Karthieser) – 05/22/1937-
Dennis Michael Cheesebrow – 4/8/1956-
Bonnie Elizabeth Cheesebrow (Thayer) – 06/14/1958-
John Daniel Cheesebrow – 04/15/1985- (married Allison Broza – 4/1/1986, child Lee Cheesebrow – 11/5/2014)
Paul Dennis Cheesebrow – 03/09/1988-
Our Family:
Me: Tim Michael Cheesebrow – 2/21/1982-
Wife: Jenn Lynn Cheesebrow – 12/09/1982-
Miscarriage 1 – 07/2009
Finn Michael Cheesebrow – 08/01/2010-
Dylan Riley Cheesebrow – 02/07/2012-
Miscarriage 2 – 09/2015