A few weeks ago, my friends and I set out on a quest to create an intro for a sitcom that doesn't exist. Why? Mostly for the hilarious challenge to use every sitcom intro cliche in the book. Here are our rules of thumb:
Open with random shots of transportation, a skyline, and a helicopter view Continue reading...
My friends and I just finished an elaborate video using a technique called light painting. In ultra-slow motion (4 hours!), Maia Hamann played Bach's Fugue No. 2 in C minor, while I took long exposure pictures of our friends Oanh, Peter, and Pat "painting" with colored LED lights. I took one photo for Continue reading...
Here's yet another sneak preview of our RPM Challenge album:
I started this track with the underlying synth chords, and brought it to Nick on Sunday to add some tuned percussion, including vibraphone, crotales, tubular bells, a gong, and glass shards. The final mix may end up with even more instruments.
This Continue reading...